Hap Genomics Understands Your Research And Handles It As It's Own Research
Hap Genomics Sweden was established in 2022 and aims to become the fastest emerging offshore outsourcing company which will aid its clientele to grow at a rapid pace. Hap Genomics offers a wide range of in silico research solutions emphasizing on the client stipulation around the globe. We are a highly professional bioinformatics company that provides cutting-edge research solutions, tool development, and services to academics and industry clients. Our research-driven approach sets us apart from other bioinformatics firms.
Our Services
Genome sequence analysis is an indispensable part of life-science and medical sciences research and is radically transformed with the advent of next-generation sequencing. Genomics is a broad term that includes the study of constitution and structure of the Genome, gene complexity, DNA methylation, histone modification, chromatin structure, and chromatin remodeling, genomic regulatory analysis (DNA elements, locus control regions, insulators, enhancers, and silencers), structural variation, genome sequence evolution, population genomics, association studies and its relationship to genetic factors, etc. by using genomic technologies and novel strategies. Specific genome data (sequencing/microarray data) analysis projects require meticulous preparation, data processing, and a tried-and-true technique for transparent result reporting to answer biological questions.
Nowadays, Transcriptome data enable researchers to characterise transcriptional activity (coding and non-coding) of a cell, tissue, organism, or any biological system focusing on a subset of target genes and transcripts, or whole gene profiling to create a global picture of cell function. Transcriptome analysis studies can provide a snapshot of actively expressed genes and transcripts under various conditions such as developmental stages, physiological variations, and in-vitro and in-vivo infection. RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq), next-generation sequencing technology, has revolutionised the transcriptome study with high accuracy and sensitivity in measuring gene expression across the transcriptome. The RNA-Seq technique enables the analysis of gene expression, transcript isoforms, gene fusions, single nucleotide variants in a single experiment without the limitation of prior knowledge.
Proteomics is the study of the proteome content of a cell or tissue. Nowadays, a large-scale comprehensive analysis of a specific proteome for protein abundances, variations and modifications, and their interacting partners and networks is standard in advanced research studies. Bottom-up and top-down two strategies are common in discovery proteome analysis. In the bottom-up approach, a crude protein mixture first undergoes protease digestion and then separation by liquid chromatography, followed by MS analysis. In the top-down method, proteins are characterised by MS without prior proteolysis and have the advantage of providing more excellent sequence coverage, resolution of sequence ambiguities, and preservation of PTMs.
Tools and database development
Hap Genomics provides standard and customized database development services for genomic datasets such as the whole genome, transcriptome, non-coding RNAs, comparative genomics, etc. This service can be beneficial for the researcher dealing with various large datasets and is willing to have easy handling and processing solutions.
Professional training/courses
Bioinformatics is currently a rapidly growing discipline both in academia and industry. Hap Genomics has a team of passionate experts who can help you to develop bioinformatics knowledge resources through online and offline courses and training programmes. Hap Genomics offers a variety of bioinformatics courses that teach researchers to design their data analysis methodologies and select the best tools for their research projects.
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